Australien College of English - Australie

Australien College of English - Australie ACE Sydney Manly campus

"ACE is every student's dream. I didn't believe my teacher when he told me that at ACE Sydney Manly we'd see dolphins and whales from my classroom window. Until i saw them myself ! I don't imagine ther's better positioned school in the world than ACE Sydney Manly campus."
Jessica - Suède

"General English taught me exactly the type of english I need for travelling around Australia and the world. I recommend this course for all students"
Jean-Marc - Belgique

Australien College of English - Australie ACE - Australian College of English - Sydney City

"In my opinion, ACE is the best school in Australia to take the TOEIC test. I had an expert TOEIC teacher at ACE. His lessons were fun and full of good exam tips. ACE prepared me very well for the TOEIC and increased my TOEIC score by 110 points !
Miki - Japon

"I will never forget the time I spent with my classmates and teacher on the Cambridge study retreat. It was great to study out in the real Australian bush, with kangaroos, possums and goannas everywhere. We worked very hard during the daytime, but in the evening we enjoyed ourselves playing piano, singing and having fun."
Helena - République Tchèque